higher education accreditation

Looking for a Degree Program in Arizona? Accreditation Matters!

Arizona Early Childhood Higher Education Accredited Programs set the standard on what early childhood professionals are expected to know and do as they study and prepare to work within the field. Defining essential learning outcomes for professional preparation programs foster a shared vision of excellence.

The NAEYC Commission on the Accreditation of Early Childhood Higher Education Programs awards accreditation to early childhood associate, baccalaureate, and master’s degree programs that demonstrate evidence of excellence by meeting the NAEYC Professional Preparation Standards.

The NAEYC accreditation process provides a framework for self-study, external evaluation, and improvement in the quality of teacher preparation programs. There are currently 172 institutions in 35 states with NAEYC-accredited programs. Arizona Early Childhood Higher Education Accredited Programs are listed below.

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NAEYC Higher Education Accreditation is awarded to programs that prepare students to work in the field of early childhood. These students value current early education research and continue with professional development opportunities. They become leaders in the field. 

Arizona Early Childhood Higher Education Accredited Programs

Associates Degrees and Certificates



Arizona Higher Education Accreditation Project (AzHEA)

Between 2018 and 2021, the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) contracted with AzAEYC to implement the Arizona Higher Education Accreditation Project (AzHEA) with funding from Arizona Department of Education through the Preschool Development Grant (PDG).

AzAEYC recruited cohorts of Institutions of Higher Education to support early childhood degree programs to achieve accreditation. 

Funding provided support for the following items/areas:

  • Accreditation Fees – application fee, self-study review fee
  • Faculty Release Time – gathered data and completed accreditation report
  • Two Faculty Institutes – professional development and technical assistance
  • Technical Assistance Coordinator – provided support through the process

Learn more about NAEYC Higher Education Accreditation.