The Week of the Young Child™
NAEYC Week of the Young Child™ (WOYC) is an annual celebration hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and recognized by AzAEYC, First Things First, and Southern Arizona AEYC across Arizona. WOYC celebrates early learning, young children, their teachers, and families.
This week-long celebration was established in 1971 by NAEYC to recognize the importance of early care and education. In 2021, WOYC reached its 50th anniversary! As part of WOYC, AzAEYC, First Things First, and SAZAEYC focus on elevating early childhood as a public good, advancing equity, and highlighting the impact of quality early childhood on creating vibrant communities.
The Week of the Young Child™ is a celebratory effort to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. This celebration aligns with our mission: To promote high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research.
Scholarly and academic research continue to show the value of high-quality early development opportunities for young children, their families, and society.
Coming soon!
Who organizes WOYC?
NAEYC designates the Week of the Young Child™ dates and theme, but events are planned and implemented by local communities right here in Arizona. Celebrations are organized and coordinated by regional, state, and local NAEYC Affiliates and our chapters and by individual early childhood programs and community organizations providing services to young children and families.
NAEYC designates the Week of the Young Child™ dates and theme, but events are planned and implemented by local communities right here in Arizona. Celebrations are organized and coordinated by regional, state, and local NAEYC Affiliates and our chapters and by individual early childhood programs and community organizations providing services to young children and families.
How to celebrate WOYC?
Communities around Arizona have tailored celebrations to meet the needs in their own areas. WOYC is often celebrated in libraries, community centers and other places where young children grow and thrive. In addition to the ideas below, many other creative ways to celebrate can be found on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and among early childhood teachers and parents.
Celebrating can be as simple as displaying artwork by young children, setting up a special display of books, cooking a community snack. Some communities have organized town parades or festivals. They might assemble booths representing all of the early childhood agencies and other services. Others have involved their local officials and organized ceremonies with public proclamations or arranged press conferences. It’s really up to you!
Check out this Q&A from AzAEYC and SAZAEYC for ideas on how you can get involved in celebrating Week of the Young Child!
Why celebrate WOYC?
As we celebrate the Week of the Young Child™, we are advancing a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate and work on behalf of young children. It’s a time to recognize that children’s opportunities are our responsibilities! Every year, we seek to recommit to making sure each and every child in Arizona experiences the type of early environment—at home, at child care, at school, and in the community—that will promote their early learning. Join us in celebrating!
Thank you for helping to promote Week of the Young Child, taking place April 5-11, 2025!
In the Social Media Toolkit linked below, you’ll find messaging and graphics to help you spread the word to our communities that affordable, quality child care matters and deserves to be prioritized at every level. This social media toolkit is designed to be used by individuals, community groups, and agencies/organizations.
To participate, we encourage you to:
- Use the sample captions and the graphics in this social media kit to post on your social media channels throughout the Week of the Young Child and;
- Share posts from AzAEYC, FTF, and SAZAEYC.
Access the WOYC Social Media Toolkit
Download the 2025 Arizona WOYC Proclamation Templates by clicking the link below. You can download the template to your desktop or copy and paste the information into a new Word Doc. Then, you will submit your separate Word Doc as the proclamation request.