What We Do
The Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children is YOUR professional organization in Arizona!
- Connect members with continuing education options, scholarships and professional development and networking opportunities statewide.
- Provide leadership opportunities for the members of our organization.
- Participate in early childhood advocacy efforts in Arizona as a productive collaborator and partner — pursuing opportunities for innovative projects that fit the mission and forward-moving direction of AzAEYC.
- Promote high professional standards, fair compensation and working conditions within our field.
- Advocate for the early childhood profession and high quality early education for all young children.
- Enlist the assistance of experts to be a high-performing, inclusive nonprofit organization.
- Seek and implement grants and projects that serve all of our members.
- Promote and support NAEYC’s Accreditation of Early Childhood Higher Education Programs.
- Recognize and celebrate excellence in our profession.
AzAEYC Annual Reports
Events and Activities
Arizona Early Childhood Day at the Capitol
Scholarship Opportunities and Recognitions