Arizona Public Policy Forum

AzAEYC, in partnership with SAZAEYC and Arizona Child Care Resource and Referral, have received funding to launch the first annual Arizona Public Policy Forum. This event will take place on February 20, 2019 from 1:00…


AzDEC Spring Conference 2019: Healing Trauma

AzDEC Spring Conference 2019: Healing Trauma Starts in the Heart presented by Diana Brown, Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor. Conference provides research supported information on how adults can connect with relationship resistant children to start to heal trauma in children. 

AzDEC Spring Conference 2019 on March 2,  2019 at the Halle Heart Museum 

Learn more


Child Care Licensing Consultant Raegina Rico

Why does a file cabinet need to be at least 3 feet from the door? Why does a trash can have to have a lid? Why can't we use crockpots?  Raegina Rico developed a passion and an urgency that led her to become a child care licensing consultant. AzAEYC’s newest board member talks about her work and why safety in the classroom matters so very, very much. Read more.