Preschool Expulsion Prevention Conference

Southwest Human Development will present a FREE conference on preschool expulsion prevention on Saturday, June 23, 2018 from 8 am until 2:30 pm at the Desert Willow Conference Center located at 4340 E. Cotton Center Blvd., Phoenix, AZ, 85040. 

The conference is designed for participants who work in programs serving children birth to twelve that have a current registration agreement with the Department of Economic Security Child Care Administration (DES funded sites and homes only). Learn more.


Power to the Profession: Dialogue Day

NAEYC is actively seeking input on the Power to the Profession initiative for Decision Cycles 3, 4, and 5. 

AzAEYC invites early childhood professionals to attend a Dialogue Day at Mesa Community College Library (MCC LB 300) for discussion and feedback on Saturday, April 21 from 10 am until noon. Learn more.

Read more about the article Early Childhood Mentors Make the Difference: Meet Lauren Davis
AzAEYC Board Member Lauren Davis (right) with mentor Robin Bradford, who serves as the current Early Childhood Education Specialist at King Early Learning Center in the Roosevelt Elementary School District.

Early Childhood Mentors Make the Difference: Meet Lauren Davis

As preschool teacher at King Early Learning Center in the Roosevelt Elementary School District, AzAEYC Board member Lauren Davis talks about how encouragement from a caring mentor can make all the difference. Read more.