Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) ECHO Professional Development Opportunities
Support and retain your quality, qualified early childhood staff through this series which includes training and job-embedded professional development for your program!
About the DAP ECHO Series
In this no-cost series, your staff will participate in 1 monthly session over a 7 month period. Participants will study the new Developmentally Appropriate Practice book from NAEYC (published in Fall 2021) and learn how to provide equitable, inclusive early learning environments that help all children and parents thrive.
Participants will be compensated for their time and have access to reflective, guided opportunities to study their work with children, strengthen social-emotional connections, and create culturally-responsive environments.
A total of 5 series will be offered between July 2022 and May 2024. Each series will offer the same DAP content, so different participating providers/centers will be recruited for each series. The project prioritizes recruiting the whole child care center (to support all their teaching staff) rather than individual participants.
Benefits your staff/program will receive:
Additionally, your program will receive the following workforce development/child care employment benefits for your participation:
– Training materials, including 1 copy of the DAP book for each of your participating staff
– Up to $300 stipend for paid training time for each participating staff
– 1 Entry Level 1-year NAEYC membership for each of your participating staff
$150 in materials/supplies to increase the quality of early learning environments aligned with DAP
– Monthly access to expert trainers and facilitators with a wealth of knowledge in DAP
– 16 hours of professional development credit in the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry around child growth and development, curriculum and learning environment, and effective interactions
– 4 hours of individualized coaching and job-embedded pedagogy catered to your program to develop teaching and leadership skills
Series #1
July 26, 2022 through February 28, 2023 (1 session per month skipping December 27, 2022)
6:30-8 p.m. AZ Time
Series #2
January 19, 2023 through May 4, 2023
4-5:30 p.m. AZ Time
Series #3
June 12, 2023 through December 11, 2023
6-7:30 p.m. AZ Time
Series #4
July 21, 2023 through January 19, 2023
1-2:30 p.m. AZ Time
Series #5
August 3, 2023 through January 18, 2024
6-7:30 p.m. AZ Time
This project is made possible thanks to federal coronavirus relief funding awarded to the State of Arizona and allocated by the Arizona House Democratic Caucus.
Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children
Arizona State University College of Health Solutions
Paradise Valley Community College
Arizona Early Childhood Education Association
Southern Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children
Southwest Human Development
DAP ECHO Project Press Release
Overview of the Arizona Early Childhood Professional Development ECHO
Overview of Materials/Supplies Purchasing Process
What is developmentally appropriate practice?
Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) is the foundation on which quality early learning is built. DAP are methods that early childhood educators use to promote each child’s optimal development and learning through a strengths-based, play-based approach to joyful, engaged learning. DAP recognizes and supports each individual child, family, and teacher as a valued member of the learning community. As a result, to be developmentally appropriate, practices must also be culturally, linguistically, and ability appropriate for each child.
NAEYC DAP, 4th Edition
The 4th edition of the Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) book reflects new research that underscores the importance of social, cultural, and historical contexts of development and elevates the need for active engagement through play, exploration, and inquiry in ways that support the whole child.
Based on what the research says about child development, how children learn, and effective practices—as well as what professional experience tells the field about intentional teaching—this book provides a thorough discussion of the core considerations, principles, and guidelines that inform educators’ decision making. You’ll find extensive examples of effective approaches for teaching children across the early childhood spectrum as well as specific examples for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and children in the primary grades.
Overview of What’s Different in the DAP, 4th Edition
The evidence-based Project ECHO® model works to increase equitable access to professional development through a virtual network and empower providers in local communities through shared knowledge building.
This innovative model for improving educational outcomes aims to amplify capacity across Arizona, specifically in rural and underserved areas, by connecting experts with the direct workforce to train through guided practice. The sessions will be structured as communities of practice during which educators meet consistently (virtually) to study relevant content. Sessions include practical applications in which participants apply what they learned in their work environments.
Learn more at https://chs.asu.edu/
Series 5
080323 DAP ECHO Session #1 slide deck
090723 DAP ECHO Session #2 slide deck
100923 DAP ECHO Session #3 slide deck
110223 DAP ECHO Session #4 slide deck
120723 DAP ECHO Session #5 slide deck
010424 DAP ECHO Session #6 slide deck
011824 DAP ECHO session #7 slide deck
Series 4
072123 DAP ECHO Session #1 slide deck
081823 DAP ECHO Session #2 slide deck
091523 DAP ECHO Session #3 slide deck
100223 DAP ECHO Session #4 slide deck
111723 DAP ECHO Session #5 slide deck
Series 3
061223 DAP ECHO Session #1 slide deck
071023 DAP ECHO Session #2 slide deck
081423 DAP ECHO Session #3 slide deck
091123 DAP ECHO Session #4 slide deck
100923 DAP ECHO Session #5 slide deck
111323 DAP ECHO Session #6 slide deck
121123 DAP ECHO Session #7 slide deck
Series 2
011923 DAP ECHO Session #1 slide deck
020223 DAP ECHO Session #2 slide deck
021623 DAP ECHO Session #3 slide deck
030223 DAP ECHO Session #4 slide deck
040623 DAP ECHO Session #5 slide deck
042023 DAP ECHO Session #6 slide deck
050423 DAP ECHO Session #7 slide deck
Series 1
DAP ECHO Series #1 Flier – July 2022 to February 2023
072622 DAP ECHO Session #1 slide deck
082322 DAP ECHO Session #2 slide deck
092722 DAP ECHO Session #3 slide deck