AZToolkit is powered by CCA for Social Good, a nonprofit division of CCA Global. CCA for Social Good helps nonprofit and child care organizations realize benefits of scale by unlocking resources than can be invested in advancing their missions.
Take a look at how much one medium sized center can save!
How much does it cost?
Choose a monthly or yearly subscription and pay with a credit card. Cancel at any time.
NAEYC Members: $7.50 per month, $75/year
Non-NAEYC Member Subscription: $15 per month, $150 per year
What can I expect to save?
Savings range from 10-40% on key items and services child care providers use every single day.
You’ll find cost savings on items including educational and office supplies, books, food and food service supplies — even payroll processing and other human resource services. Vendors include Office Depot, Staples, Lakeshore Learning, Discount School Supply and many other national brands. Learn more.
What about resources to use for school events and parent reports?
Need a template to announce an art show, a special mother’s or father’s day celebration or back-to-school night?
Accomplish tasks quickly and easily with templates for events, daily reports, sign-up sheets and more.
Any materials that will help engage families?
Early childhood programs are most effective when their systems and services support the cultural diversity of enrolled families.
Staff members must be able to demonstrate their respect for and respond to the different cultures in their community and among their co-workers. Resources provide the most recent research and perspectives on key multicultural principles and offer guidance to staff on practical ways to implement these principles in their programs.
Hiring new employees is always a challenge. What HR tools can I expect?
AZToolkit Job Bank comes with every AZToolkit subscription! This is an all-in-one tool for both job seekers and for employers looking to hire talented ECE staff. With AZToolkit Job Bank, you can…
+Create a job post using a set of prewritten job descriptions.
+Distribute with one click to the most popular job sites across the web.
+Manage your hiring process using custom workflows and templates.
With AZToolkit you will also find templates for writing job descriptions, creating & composing interview questions, even guidance on how to help an employee to improve, or what to do when concerns about an employee’s performance arise.
As a director, there are so many forms to fill out. What’s available?
From classroom daily report forms, health policy reminders, and other family notices…sometimes you need a new form you did not know about…or never thought you would need!
Plus, you’ll find many templates to chose from. The information and resources for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) along with menu planning, a food buying guide, and record keeping — even recipes are included. Food programs are critical to programs (especially those serving lower income families) and it can be a challenge (read: NIGHTMARE) to manage those. Running a business takes a lot of time and attention. These tools will help you administer your child care program safely and smoothly.
Will I find tools to help with professional development and training?
Quickly put your hands on training resources for new staff members in a variety of areas such as hand washing, basic developmental milestones and more.
Maybe you are looking for more information on a specific topic to support more experienced teachers, such as executive function or family engagement. You’ll find plenty of links that connect users with the Arizona Early Childhood Professional Development Network/Registry, scholarships, career lattice job boards and more.
How can AZToolkit help our program keep up with licensing requirements and regulations?
Plenty of quick-links to essential knowledge are available and always up to date in one central location.
Standards for Out-of-School Time Programs, current info on the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 2014 along with practical tools to follow professional development criteria help directors support their teachers. Whether it is to help further career paths or to offer hands-on resources to educate staff, AZToolkit offers an abundance of resources all in one handy platform. Create your log-in account today!
How can I access a printable PDF that describes how AZToolkit connects with the Child Care Development and Block Grant (CCDBG) and the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Grant (PDG B-5)?
AZToolkit supports Arizona in implementing the required components in the FY19-21 CCDF State Plan and in supporting our state in meeting all 5 activity areas under the PDG B-5 Grant.
Click here to access a downloadable, printable fact sheet full of information.